Before the earthquake

After the 7.8 earthquake that Ecuador experienced on Saturday night, people have had to face the emotional consequences left by a natural phenomenon like this one; But what to do at times like this?

It is important to know, for Mexico like Ecuador, is not prepared to face an earthquake of that magnitid (or like the one that lived in 1985 of 8.1 degrees on the Richter scale). In this sense the Secretary of Civil Protection of the Federal District , in conjunction with the National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED), they offer you the following tips.


Before the earthquake


  1. Use technicians and specialists for the construction or repair of your home. In this way you will have greater security before an earthquake.
  2. Keep the gas, water and electricity installations in good condition. Where possible, use flexible connections.
  3. Together with your family, prepare a plan to face the effects of a earthquake .
  4. Store supplies (canned food and boiled water); these may be necessary.
  5. Have emergency phone numbers, a first aid kit, a portable radio and a flashlight with batteries on hand.
  6. Identify the safest places in your home or office; the main and alternate outputs. Verify that the exits and corridors are free of obstacles.
  7. Fixed to the wall shelves, paintings, cabinets, shelves mirrors and bookshelves. Avoid placing heavy objects on top of these.


During the earthquake


  1. Try to remain calm; Do not let panic take over you.
  2. Reassure the people around you.
  3. Go to the previously established safe places; Cover your head with both hands, placing it next to your knees.
  4. Do not use the elevators.
  5. Stay away from objects that may fall, slide or break.
  6. Do not hurry to leave; Remember that the earthquake lasts only a few seconds and it may end before you have achieved it.
  7. If possible, close the gas keys; Turn down the main power switch and avoid lighting fires.


After the earthquake


  1. Check if there are injuries, fires or leaks of any kind; if so, call the relief services .
  2. Use the phone only for emergency calls. Listen to the news to inform you.
  3. If it is necessary to evacuate the property, do it calmly, carefully and orderly; Follow the instructions of the authorities.
  4. Do not use electrical appliances until you are sure there are no gas leaks.
  5. Make a thorough "review" of your house and furniture.
  6. You must be "prepared" for future earthquakes, called replicas . They are generally weaker, but may cause additional damage.
  7. Do not consume food or drinks that may have been in contact with broken glass or a contaminant.
  8. If you get caught, keep calm and try to communicate with the outside, hitting something.

Video Medicine: What to do BEFORE, DURING and AFTER an earthquake (April 2024).