Teach him to be a good friend

What is the best age to learn the Value of friendship and make it enduring? Many would venture to think that this ideal moment comes when it is already possible to establish verbal communication clearly and discover tastes in common with another person. The truth is that from the first months of birth, when children begin to socialize with their peers, there are signs of friendship and with it, the glorious moment of teaching them how to care for and make that bond last.

Mariana Rivera , a psychologist specializing in family therapy, says that while babies have an approach to the people around them, they learn how to respond emotionally.

The example becomes a key element because it is from this point that they get a tool of what to do and what not to do, when it comes to establishing contact of any kind: they seek to be more delicate - even with the lack of control of movements that they have practically during the first year-, they have manifestations of affection like the kisses, the hugs and most importantly, they discover the value of sharing what they have.

These are the first steps towards building a skill that will play a transcendental role in their development: making friends. Friendship, says the psychologist, is a solid foundation that will interfere in the experience of many values, such as love, loyalty, solidarity, among others. That is why it is necessary not only to promote but also to cooperate as adults so that the children can establish it and, as far as possible, it will be lasting.


Teach him to be a good friend

His arrival at school is usually his first encounter with boys of his same age. They are surprised and happy to see that around you there are many who resemble you in size, tastes, preferences and even agree on things that do not enjoy the whole, but made together they become lighter and even a reason for joy.

The word 'friend' appears in his vocabulary almost by magic. He himself is the one who shares who he has met, how much he likes him and what things he has discovered they have in common. It will tell you about their activities, about some experience they had during the day, and it is all these instants that you should take advantage of to discover the Value of friendship.

In this period remember that parents are essential for a friendship transcend, because your child will need your support to cultivate the bond, have common activities and continue contact even when for different reasons must follow different paths.

The value of friendship is in sharing joys, but also recognize when the other is not having a good time and however small your child may be. Orient it "Prudence empowers words." Bojorge@teleton.org.mx

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