8 foods for diabetes

The diabetes It is an increasingly common disease in our country. It is estimated that in Mexico there are around 15 million people with diabetes (one in seven Mexicans), whose ages range between 10 and 69 years.

An investigation of the doctor Enrique Molina , entitled: Impact of type 2 diabetes mellitus on the standard of living of Mexicans and the role of public spending on health, revealed that in just a decade (from 1998 to 2000), this chronic and degenerative disease It increased by 300%.


8 foods for diabetes


  • Grains, legumes and vegetables with starch (6 or more servings a day). Foods such as wholemeal bread, cereals, legumes, rice, pasta and starchy vegetables should serve as the basis of the diet of a person with diabetes. As a group, these foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and healthy carbohydrates. However, it is important to consume foods with enough fiber. Choose whole foods such as bread or crackers, oatmeal, brown rice or legumes (beans, lentils); and uses whole wheat flours or other wholemeal flours for cooking and baking.


  • Vegetables (3 to 5 servings per day). Choose fresh or frozen vegetables without additives, sauces, fats or added salt. If you have diabetes you should opt for dark green and deep yellow vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, romaine lettuce, carrots and peppers.


  • Fruits (2 to 4 servings per day). It is better to eat whole fruits than to drink only juices, as they have more fiber. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruit and tangerines, are the most recommended.
  • Try to eat 3 to 4 pieces of fruit every day and try not to consume canned fruit containing syrup; in any case, sweeten the fruit compote with artificial sweeteners. The same advice applies to fruit juices: avoid those that contain added sweeteners or syrups.
  • Doctors also suggest eating small amounts of dried fruit moderately, due to its concentration of sugar. Avoid too sweet fruits, such as grapes and mangoes, because if you eat too many pieces, they can affect the level of glucose in your blood.


  • Milk (2 to 3 servings per day). It prefers milk or yogurt low in fat, low-fat or, better yet, soy. The yogurt has to be natural, avoid the one that contains sugar, artificial sweeteners or added fruits. In a matter of cheeses, do not consume those that are high in fat.


  • Meat and fish (2 to 3 servings per day). Consume fish and poultry meat more frequently. Remove skin from chicken and turkey.Select lean cuts of beef, veal, pork or game. Trim all visible fat from the meat. Bake, roast, broil or boil instead of frying.


  • Fat . If you need to use fat in the preparation of your food, use olive, rapeseed, sunflower or corn oils. Use low-fat and non-hydrogenated margarines. Most saturated and hydrogenated fats tend to increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. Saturated fats are usually found in animal foods such as butter, lard, greasy meat and dairy products. Use less oil in recipes than recommended. When possible do not cook with oil, but boiling in water, baked, barbecued, steamed or in the microwave.


  • Alcohol . If you decide to drink alcohol, limit the amount and take it with a meal. Check with your doctor the type of alcohol that is safest for you.


  • Sweets. Sweets are rich in fat and sugar, eat small portions or, better yet, eat sweets and special chocolates for people with diabetes .

It is very difficult to control the diabetes for an overweight person, so it is important to lose the extra pounds. Doctors recommend regular meals so that the level of glucose In blood do not vary too much, as well as ingest a wide variety of foods. This is particularly important if you take pills or insulin for your diabetes .

Take care of your health, eating healthy!

Video Medicine: Preventing Pre-Diabetes (April 2024).