Discover the pleasure of a tantric kiss

Tantra is a technique that helps you to balance the energy of your body so that you can master your emotions and sensations, in order to have a better quality of life, especially in the sexual aspect, through postures, caresses or a tantric kiss .

According to information published by Your Sex Guide , kisses are a fundamental part of the couple's relationship because with them you express your love, affection and passion to your partner.

The Tantric kiss is even more special because it involves some of our senses such as taste, touch and smell, as well as your emotions and energy. The key is to have patience and synchronize your breathing with that of your partner, to enjoy this source of pleasure to the fullest.


Discover the pleasure of a tantric kiss

The contact with the lips is the beginning of a sexual encounter, that is to say, it is one of the first erotic stimulations, since it causes from an erection to the secretion of fluids in the woman.

Do you want to learn to kiss correctly? Although everyone has their technique, you can follow these steps to perfect it:

  1. First contact: Approach slowly with your lips closed and make the first contact with your partner's.
  2. Relax the lips: Release the stress of the lips without reaching the flaccidity, while caressing the face, shoulder or back of your partner.

  3. Breathing: Control the inhalation and exhalation of the air, so that at the climax of the kiss both are synchronized.
  4. Just relax: Let yourself go for the moment. Gently trace the lips; alternate the pressure. Slowly insert the tongue and caress your partner's tongue with a gentle suction.

Do not forget to share your tastes, sensations and emotions that you experience at the moment of kissing, with this you will enjoy more and more the physical contact of your lips and will improve your intimate encounters. And you, how many tantric kisses have you given? If you want to know more information about kisses click here.

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