DIF of the DF against the mistreatment of the elderly

"The violence who live older adults It is part of a structural violence that mostly also victimizes little girls , children Y teenagers , particularly women, "said the director of the System for the Integral Development of the Family of the Federal District (DIF-DF), Martha Patricia Patiño Fierro .

To build a fair and non-violent society for all sectors of the population, it is necessary to improve, with a intergenerational , the relationships intrafamily , for this the DIF executes the project called "Training for Knowledge and Exercise of Human Rights of Older Adults", which consists of community actions of a promotional educational nature, which contribute to the prevention of discrimination and the decrease in violence and abuse in their family, community and social environment, as well as the promotion of greater participation and leadership .

Various actions are also carried out with the different teams of lawyers, psychologists and social workers attached to the Sub-Directorate of Legal Assistance and Sponsorship of the DIF-DF. Among others, the teaching of thematic workshops such as "The Social Image of Old Age; Prevention of Violence and Abuse Against Older Adults "; "Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of the Elderly"; "Social Support Networks in the Elderly"; "Self-esteem in the Elderly" and "Values ​​of Coexistence".

The president said that the DIF, works with groups of organized civil society and public institutions, so that older adults have a family dignified old age and fully exercise their rights .

During a meeting with the Foundation for the Welfare of the Elderly, where this year, the DIF-DF allocated 150 thousand pesos for the development of said project, Patiño Fierro said that the goal is the construction of a partnership with respectful culture and inclusive through awareness and training actions.


Rights of Older Persons in the Federal District

The Law on the Rights of Older Persons in the Federal District was published in the Official Gazette of the Federal District since March 7, 2000. Among the rights are:

  • To a life with quality .
  • Year discrimination .
  • To a free life of violence .
  • To be respected in his person.
  • To be protected against all forms of exploitation.
  • To receive protection from their family, society and institutions.
  • To enjoy opportunities to progressively improve the capacities that facilitate the exercise of their rights under conditions of equality, respecting their heterogeneity at all times.
  • To live in safe environments , dignified and decorous that meet their needs and requirements and where their rights are exercised freely.
  • To live in the bosom of a family .
  • To express their ideas freely either orally or in writing, with no other limitation than those that affect the rights of other people.
  • To be received by the police, public prosecutor, judges, a dignified treatment and appropriate, in all situations in which he is involved, both as a victim and for having committed an illegal act.
  • To receive the support of local government bodies regarding the exercise and respect of their rights through the institutions created for this purpose such as the System for the Integral Development of the Family in the Federal District, the Superior Court of Justice of the Federal District, the competent prosecutors and the Commission of Human Rights of the Federal District.
  • To have a legal representative and with free legal advice, for the solution of problems or legal matters, such as testament, property titles, pensions, etc.
  • Have access to goods and services that provide comprehensive care: food, health, housing, recreation, healthy environment, education, etc.
  • To have access to Health services , in order that they enjoy full physical, mental, psycho-emotional and sexual well-being; to obtain improvement in their quality of life and the extension of it.
  • To receive orientation and training in terms of Health , nutrition and hygiene, as well as everything that favors personal care.
  • Right of associate and meet peacefully with any lawful object.
  • To receive information.
  • To receive education .
  • To recreation.
  • To the work .
  • To social assistance. In case the older adult lacks a place to live, food, clothing, and attention to their health problems, they have the right to be treated.

Video Medicine: Building Partnerships across the Violence against Women and Elder Abuse Sectors (April 2024).