Detoxify your body with beets

The beetroot or beetroot, is a wonderful vegetable that contains a great amount of antioxidants and also is a super ally in the cleaning and detoxification of the body.

Your liver will be happy that you include it in your meals because it contains betaine, substance that helps the cells to eliminate toxins; pectin, a kind of fiber that separates the toxins eliminated so they do not re-enter the body again and betalains, pigments with anti-inflammatory properties that help in the detoxification process.

As we already know, this vital organ is in charge of filtering and detoxifying the blood before it is sent to the whole body; basically, it is in charge of deciding what is beneficial for the organism and what is not, so, help him to discard all the toxins more easily.

Eat beetroot it will also help you lower your blood pressure; its phytonutrients prevent the appearance of cancer cells, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, B, fiber and essential minerals such as potassium and manganese.

We recommend that the next time you exercise, drink juice beetroot or better yet, a small salad of grated beets, as it is proven that it increases your physical capacity considerably.

Now you know everything the beet can do for you, do not waste it! Until next time!

Video Medicine: Mayo Clinic Minute: The benefits of beets (May 2024).