Detects symptoms in time

One in 100 people lives with this disease, it affects mainly at women , since for every 4, a man suffers it. In order to prevent it from reaching advanced stages and incapacitating It is important detect on time and know the symptom of the rheumatoid arthritis .


In interview for GetQoralHealth , Lilia Andrade , specialist in rheumatology , explains that the rheumatoid arthritis is a rheumatologic condition that causes inflammation in the joints of the body, that is, in the areas where the bones he unite each.

The rheumatoid arthritis It is a disease chronicle Y progressive ; its causes are unknown, so there is no cure, only control. It occurs in adulthood, between 30 to 50 years , when people are in their stage plus productive , working and forming a family.


Detects symptoms in time

When the rheumatoid arthritis is detected early is controllable and patients can enjoy a better quality of life by decreasing the pain and increase the capacity of movement .

About, Lilia Andrade explains that when a 30-year-old woman detects the disease early and receives the treatment right, you're going to have the same perspective of quality of lifetime that any healthy person, but if it is not treated, has 50% risk that in 10 years it will be even in wheelchairs because of how progressive the disease can be, since it can cause deformities in the joints hands, feet or knees.

Although the main manifestation is the affectation in the joint When it's serious, you can to affect other body organs such as lung Y heart or to nervous system . It also causes dryness of eyes , mouth Y skin .

It is important to know that the rheumatoid arthritis It can be confused with other ailments because there are many types and causes of muscle-skeletal pain or and articulate . Of the affections inflammatory , the rheumatoid is the most frequent, unlike the osteoarthritis What happens in older people and is not so progressive, painful or serious.

Therefore, before any signal of pain and inflammation in the joints , redness , if you notice that they are hot, it is hard for you to work any activity that involves moving them, if they are signs persistent what is recommended is come with the doctor for a more accurate diagnosis.


Ideal treatment

Currently there are treatments specific, called modifiers of the disease which prevent damage to the joints.


Lili Andrade add that there alternatives for the treatment of this disease. With medicines , therapy physical and Psychological Support the patient can avoid deterioration.

Since the causes are unknown, so far there is no way to prevent the rheumatoid arthritis and. It is advisable to carry a Healthy life , keep the ideal weight , diet balanced, perform exercise and avoid the smoking , in case of recognizing a symptom, go immediately to the doctor.

If you already have it, the suggestion is to go to the doctor on a regular basis, stick to the treatment and discuss with the doctor the best options . It is also important to perform exercise , to receive rehabilitation physical, as well as Psychological Support and social, everything depends on the stage of evil.


Emotional impact

As it is a chronic disease characterized by intense pain and physical limitation, there are implications psychological . Patients are depressed , they do not want to leave the house, limit your interaction family , recreational , social, couple and even labor .


The impact emotional Y psychological of patients is important. Live every day with pain , move with difficulty and seeing how the body progressively deforms is the cause of depression , anger and they even feel misunderstood ", it states Andrade .

Also the impact is in what labor . This situation causes absences from work, which do not perform as they did before, to the degree of to lose the job .

The relationship of partner he alter because before the pain and limitation there are changes in mood, mood, as well as difficulty for the sexual activity regular and loss of confidence.

It is important to know that even with this disease you can have a better quality of life. Take into account the necessary care!

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