Coconut oil

Without a doubt, something that bothers women a lot is thestretch marks . Some of them appear to us from an early age due to hormonal problems, to others, simply by inheritance, or sudden changes of weight, mainly appear in the breasts; but do not worry, you can wear the necklines as you've always wanted. The home remedies to reduce stretch marks of the breasts They are very effective.

You can also see: 10 tips to fight cellulite and stretch marks

The stretch marks they occur in the body due to the breakdown of tissues. Regularly appear by the increase or loss of weight in an abrupt way, it is very common to appear in the breasts of pregnant women or in the abdominal area, that is when the fibers of the tissues break when stretched. Scientists of the University of Michigan , reveal that stretch marks can disappear when they recently appear; in this stage they look a pink or reddish color, instead; when they are white it is more complicated to eliminate them, they have already gone through the process of cicatrization .

If you have stretch marks in the breasts And this affects your self-esteem, try these home remedies to eliminate them, you will see the results if you are constant:


Coconut oil

For avoid stretch marks During pregnancy it is necessary to moisturize the skin. The same happens to eliminate them, when the skin is dehydrated the coconut oil is a perfect ally to nourish it.

Apply coconut oil to the breasts after taking a bath is what is recommended to achieve a better penetration of the product in the affected area.


Mashed carrots

The carrot is a vegetable that contains beta-carotene; a component that gives color to the skin. What the carrot puree does is to level the tone of the epidermis.

To prepare it you need to boil the carrots for 40 minutes (the softer the vegetables are, the better) and then puree them. It is recommended to leave it in the affected area for at least half an hour to achieve a better pigmentation.


aloe vera

It is a medicinal plant that favors internal tissues and is an excellent ally to heal and eliminate scars. Place a piece of aloe in the affected area for a few minutes to act on the skin.

With these natural remedies for stretch marks in the breasts forget about those brands and dare to wear necklines.


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Video Medicine: Mayo Clinic Minute: Why coconut oil is bad for your heart (April 2024).