Origin of bad breath

Half of the people in the world suffer from halitosis , a common condition and, therefore, difficult to evaluate. To avoid it, it is necessary to carry out proper oral hygiene, not smoke and avoid some foods, among other things.

The causes that cause Bad smell in the mouth and one of them has to do with the inability to generate enough saliva, which causes dry mouth. Another reason is the subsistence allowance poor in carbohydrates.

Origin of bad breath

90% of the causes of bad breath originates in the mouth. In general, the origin of halitosis is found in the millions of bacteria that live in the buccal cavity l, capable of producing volatile sulfur compounds with a very bad odor. For this reason, it is of great importance to carry out a correct Oral hygiene .

From the nutritional point of view, one of the reasons that can cause bad breath are the subsistence allowance poor in carbohydrates , nutrients found in foods such as pasta, potatoes, bread, rice, cereals and legumes. Over time, the lack of carbohydrates causes the body to start using fat for energy.

In some cases, halitosis may appear as a consequence of some disease, such as diabetes poorly controlled (sweet smelling breath) or a chronic renal insufficiency (breath smelling of ammonia), although the existence of these diseases does not necessarily imply the appearance of halitosis.

5 tips to improve your breath


  1. Most of the cases of halitosis disappear when performing proper dental hygiene, brushing teeth, gums and tongue after each meal, and complementing it with the use of floss Visit the dentist, at least once a year, to do dental cleaning, remove tartar and rule out any signs of periodental illness ..
  2. Avoid certain foods that favor the appearance of halitosis, such as garlic and onions. In some people, the consumption of cabbage, pickles and coffee cause this problem. The alcohol and the tobacco they are other causes of bad breath.
  3. Consume foods that stimulate the production of saliva . Avoid dry and fibrous foods, which may remain attached to the palate, such as nuts, cookies or toast. The citric acid (typical of orange, tangerine, lemon, grapefruit) is a powerful stimulator of salivary secretion.
  4. Therefore, drinking acidic drinks or water with citrus juice helps increase the flow of saliva.Eat slowly. A good chewing prevents the fermentation of food.


Remember that it is essential to drink plenty of water and / or chew gum (without sugar), to get the mouth to generate saliva, as this is responsible for eliminating oral bacteria. And you have an adequate oral hygiene?

Video Medicine: How to eliminate bad breath origin, causes and treatment. (April 2024).