Does the sunlight hurt you and sometimes the slightest sound can make you feel like it "drills" your head? We all have experienced it at some point, but sometimes this turns into a migraine, a condition that may be caused by overweight or obesity.

The National Headache Foundation, in the United States, notes that migraine attacks are responsible for the loss of at least 5 days per quarter of work, school and family activities. One of the 300 types of headaches that have been identified, migraine is accompanied by pulsatile type discomforts, that is, the cerebral arteries are affected by what the ability to think, reason and decide decreases.


"Llantita" dangerous ...

According to a study published in the American Academy of Neurology, Obesity is not only related but it is a possible cause of migraine and its severity.

Through this research, scientists from Drexel University College of Medicine, discovered that in people with obesity there are mediators of inflammation that are important in the pathophysiology of migraine, such as interleukins and the calcitonin gene. In other words, these factors increase in overweight individuals and cause more frequent and intense headaches.

At the same time, migraine produces a central sensitization, which generates a permanent neuronal damage near the gray area, which means that overweight people have a poor modulation to pain.

People between 20 and 55 years old with obesity or overweight have a higher risk of suffering migraines and severe headaches.

Obesity and migraine are closely linked, which is why it is essential to maintain a balanced diet. Do not let a headache prevent you from enjoying life!