How to know when to get married?

According to data from INEGI , the average age of the couples Mexican women who decide get marry is 29 and 26 years old for men and women, respectively. While in the United States, the average age of both is 27 years. But, What is actually the ideal age to get married?

According to a study by the Brigham Young University in Provo, United States , based on a survey of more than 500 students, the ideal age for get marry It is at 25 years old.

In this study, published in The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships , the parents of the students were also surveyed, who believe that in reality the ideal age for get marry it is after concluding your studies; that is, on average at 26 years old.

The argument in general is that at that age the necessary maturity has already been acquired, as well as the sufficient work tools, to begin a family life and to be able to sustain a good quality of life in partner .


How to know when to get married?

Tracey Steinberg, expert in personal relationships , explains that there are a series of "clues or signs" that can indicate when is the right moment to consider, in partner , a joint project aimed at a more formal relationship, according to .

1. If the woman feels affection and respect, but does not want the commitment, then she is not ready.
2. If you feel affection and want get marry but he does not feel respect, so it's likely that he is not his partner ideal.
3. If you feel respect and want get marry , but does not feel affection, then they should not be partner .

However, if you still have doubts to determine whether or not you do that big step, we present the following test, published by the huffingtonpost , which can serve as a brief guide to start thinking things more seriously:

1. Do you share not only time with your partner , but adventures and experiences with him or her?
2. Have you discussed your finances and set limits for your expenses?
3. Do you avoid interrupting each other during a conversation?
4. Do they spend more time communicating face to face than by phone or email?
5. Do they motivate each other in a sexual way?

If you answered "yes" to at least four of the questions, you relationship the test passes and it is time to sit down to plan a future together; instead, if you answered no more than three, you may need to think if you really want to keep your relationship as it is or give way to good determine the scope of it.

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Video Medicine: Top 5 Signs You Are Not Ready To Get Married (April 2024).