Chewing gum, dental hygiene assistant

Would you dare to stop brush your teeth for seven days? A group of university students did, even at the risk of facing the rejection of their partners at the request of a kiss for the lack of dental hygiene.

A study conducted in the Faculty of Dentistry of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) , showed the effectiveness of a chewing gum as an auxiliary to prevent cavities.

It all started when the Dr. Javier Portilla Robertson, specialist in oral pathology , and its collaborators, summoned students of said faculty to be part of an investigation.

As a requisite, they asked that the participants had all the teeth free of decay and that for seven days they avoided oral hygiene. No brushing, rinsing or flossing.

From the first to the last day the students stopped brushing their teeth, the dentists analyzed the accumulation of dentobacterial plaque, gingival bleeding, the number of bacterial colonies in the oral cavity and the salivary pH of all of them.

The researchers divided the participants into two groups: the first one chewed a bubble gum for 20 minutes after eating any food; the second did not consume the rubber .

The results showed that those who chewed the bubble gum They presented less dentobacterial plaque and inflammation of the gums, as well as a lower amount of cavity precursor bacteria.

It should be noted that not all chewing gum available in the market have these effects. The dentists of the UNAM evaluated the action of a product that instead of sugar contains xylitol , an artificial sweetener that, in addition to causing a refreshing effect on the mouth, prevents bacteria from sticking to the gum, thereby inhibiting the formation of Dentobacterial plaque .

Also, chewing the bubble gum stimulates the secretion of saliva , which favors a positive environment in the oral cavity.

The saliva It contains calcium ions that interact with the enamel of the tooth. According to Doctor Portilla, saliva stimulated, for example when consuming chewing gum without sugar, it contains more calcium ions, which helps to neutralize acids and remineralize the surface of the tooth, helping to stop, and even to heal, carious lesions on the surface of the tooth enamel.

However, the university dentist clarified that while the gum with xylitol is an ally of the oral health in situations in which it is difficult for us to brush, it does not replace brushing teeth with toothpaste, nor the benefits of dental floss, there are also indications of its negative consequences, such as problems in the chewing system, due to frequent movement of the jaw.

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