Apple low in calories and rich in antioxidants

A good option in this Christmas time They are the salads. Therefore, we give you the following recipe for Apple , which is rich in antioxidants and help cleanse your body and eliminate toxins of your body.


1. 3 green apples 2. 3 red apples 3. 1 cup of chopped nuts

4. 1/2 cup of whole nuts 5. 1/2 liter of sour cream (reduced in calories) 6. Sugar or honey to taste.


Wash the apples very well; Remove the skin and cut into finite slices. In a container place the sour cream; Add sugar or honey and chopped nuts.

Now mix well and spread over the cut apples. Garnish with whole walnuts or cut in half. This apple salad is a pretty light recipe, which is ideal for people who take care of their silhouette.

The contributions that apples make to our body are many. It is beneficial to improve intestinal transit, because it is rich in fiber and pectin, which helps protect us from environmental pollution, since it makes it easier to remove heavy elements from our body such as lead and mercury.

Tip to save calories: Change the sour cup to a cup of plain, low-fat, low-fat yogurt. Incorporates a cup of walnuts and a cup of raisins; 1/2 cup of sugar substitute.

In this way, you will consume 100 grams, approximately 180 calories, instead of 350 of the original recipe.