Difficult work environment

If you have office colleagues who seem experts in the art of conflict, you can feel identified by Anne Hathaway's characters on the tape. "The Devil dresses in fashion", Or with Tom Cruise in the movie"Jerry Maguire", Because in both films we find work environments in which the work teams are non-existent and although in the end of both protagonists they overcome the hostile environment that surrounds them, in life outside of fiction it is not always the case.

There are many situations that can generate stress at ambient work as the type of work, the conditions in which it works, the amount of overtime that is covered, and of course, the human relationships that are not always established in such a way that the projects and tasks are satisfactorily fulfilled.

If the subordinates or boss maintain a behavior in which the constant is the lack of respect, the bad mood, the resistance to changes, as well as the problems with authority, most likely the difficulties that we will have to solve will not only be those that they compete with the daily work, also, with everything that avoids us succumbing to the provocations they generate with their attitude.

María Magdalena Egozcué Romero, author of the book Psychological First Aid, by Editorial Paidós, explains that it is common for us to find people who generate stress in his companions. So it will be of great help not to affect labor relations, learn to identify them, as well as to interact with them. The specialist explains the most frequent typology:

  1. The narcissist: It tends to be hysterical, everything personalizes, behaves as if the world revolves around it, feeds on the recognition of others; He may feel hurt at the slightest provocation and does not admit his faults.
  2. The non-dogmatic: He is typically passive, evades responsibilities, often feels victimized, has difficulty making decisions, is inhibited, self-pity and tends to underestimate his abilities.
  3. The aggressive: Plaintiff, noisy, derogatory and blames others for their mistakes.
  4. The passive-aggressive: Evade direct communication and attack from the back, is vengeful, makes others feel guilty, tends to manipulate, put one person against another and sabotages indirectly the projects or work of others.

First of all, we must avoid that the attitude becomes contagious, that is, reproduce the behavior we perceive as harmful in order to prevent it from affecting us. The specialist shares some recommendations to treat this type of people and thus avoid the conflict and if possible, live with them as best as possible:

  1. The first advice is to reward good behavior and ignore the bad, the second is not to try to calm an aggressive subject or treat it equally, the key is always to be clear that it is the attitude of the other person that is violent and not his own: "Try to tell him the cause that disturbs him. If he does not, inform him that he is not willing to tolerate his rudeness; do not stimulate their inappropriate behaviors by showing concern, and continue normally with their activities. "
  2. Trying to clarify the situation can be very favorable, since this does not allow problems to accumulate or stagnate, and that can make the situation worse.
  3. Finally, the author explains that negotiating and establishing agreements that favor both parties can be a situation that improves the ambient labor.

That phrase that dictates "how work will be paid even for him" is just a wrong idea of ​​how it should be addressed, nobody has told us that human relations are a simple or easy to handle in any sphere However, if we avoid being prey to the bad attitudes and behaviors of others, we can take advantage of our own talents and abilities to solve and fulfill all that they have entrusted to us. "Know yourself, sculpt your character." For more information, write to: bojorge@teleton.org.mx


Video Medicine: How to start changing an unhealthy work environment | Glenn D. Rolfsen | TEDxOslo (April 2024).