Celar is part of living?

"I can not prove it to you, but I know there is someone else." Jealousy is a response to the feeling of loss or disinterest in the loved one, a couple mainly, but it can also be found among siblings and friends.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Eduardo Calixto, head and head of the Department of Neurobiology of the Neurology research division of the National Institute of Psychiatry "Ramón de la Fuente" , indicates that jealousy goes from being something natural to a disease when we spend more than 30% of our time thinking how the other is cheating (about 3 hours).


Celar is part of living?

For the expert Calixto, jealousy allows us to be competitive and have the conviction to improve as people. Since they are part of an evolutionary process, which in our early stages (childhood) provide us with the experience to better understand the emotional losses. Jealousy is related to three factors:

1. Biological. In the case of men this emotion is manifested through anger, in addition to that jealousy is produced by the sanction of loss of the couple from a sexual aspect. For women this feeling is directed more towards an emotional aspect.

Men are more prone to jealousy due to the presence of a hormone called vasopressin, which also causes them to have more superficial relationships.

2. Psychological It is learned from the parents, in their relationship and how they are watched.

3. Society . It is the influence that the environment has on us; example, novels and movies.

However, jealousy can harm more than a relationship, Calixto points out that jealousy generates an increase in the production of cortisol and an energy consumption that ends up tiring the person. Since it is one of the sensations that most wear the brain, so it must be kept in control.