Protect your health: the priority

The National Meteorological Service (SMN) revealed revealed at the beginning of the new year (2014) that between 52 and 64 would be expected cold fronts from September to May.

This Thursday, the country arrived on cold front 30. It is also expected that temperatures of less than 5 degrees will be recorded in at least 22 states. Among them:

High Areas . In these areas temperatures of minus five to zero degrees centigrade are expected. States: Chihuaha, Sonora, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango, Zacatecas, Puebla, State of Mexico, Hidalgo and Tlaxcala.

Federal District. The SMN refers that Mexico City will register temperatures from zero to five degrees. Other states in which this forecast is expected are Baja California, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Michoacan, Tamaulipas, Aguascalientes, Querétaro, Guanajuato, Oaxaca and Veracruz.

Periods The National Water Commission (CONAGUA) through the "National Climate Perspective" identifies two "cold" periods: November / December / January (2013-2014) and February March April .

During both, similar behaviors are expected: a frequency of frosts less than normal (from zero to two degrees Celsius), which will predominate in the high regions of the Northwest , Central Table Y Center of the National territory.


Protect your health: the priority

Your health is the most important, so in GetQoralHealth we present the recommendations that this 2014 has the National System of Civil Protection (SINAPROC) to overcome the cold season. Beware!

1. Clothing Use thick clothes and closed shoes to cover your entire body. At night, use enough blankets.

2. Learn. Make use of the media that share the weather forecast.

3. Food. Eat yellow fruits and vegetables: they are rich in vitamin A and C to boost your immune system.

4. Be careful with the air! If you leave a hot place, cover your nose and mouth to avoid inhaling the cold air. "Abrupt" changes in temperature affect the respiratory system.

5. Vulnerable population. Remember to be especially careful with older adults, the chronically ill and children. Collect them.

6. House. It is preferable to stay at home. If you go out, be very careful on roads.

7. Heat. Before using fireplaces, stoves or heaters, make sure there is adequate ventilation to prevent poisoning and keep children away.

It is better prevent. The SINAPROC It also invites you to store blankets, water, food, personal hygiene products, heating oil, battery radios and, as always, it is important to have a first-aid kit.

If you want to know the weather forecast for your specific state, see // your body!

Video Medicine: Write the Vision: Make Vision a Health Priority (November) (April 2024).