Why do they skip the veins in their hands?

The veins of the hands are a reflection of the effort, fatigue and blood pressure in our body. This causes veins and arteries to flood with faster blood flow

The pressure causes the expulsion of water from the contracted muscles and displaces them to fibrous connective tissues. The water causes these tissues to grow in volume giving the appearance and gives us that feeling that the veins are "swollen".

The veins protrude may be normal, but evaluate the following factors:

Excessive exercise or use of a lot of force - Because the effort makes the heart beat faster and stronger. With this the pressure increases, and the veins and arteries become saturated with blood.

Excess of liquids - When you drink a lot of water, the tissues swell and hence the sensation of density and swelling.

Exercise routine - After a strenuous exercise routine, the veins of your hands may look swollen from exertion. It will take between half an hour for them to return to normal.

This is common because of the increase in blood pressure.

If you are a thin person - Such a complexion causes the veins to be marked more, by the accumulation of oxygen in the veins, which is totally normal.

Video Medicine: How To Increase Blood Flow To Hands And Fingers (April 2024).