5 habits that increase your stress

Habits are actions that most of us do daily or often and that in the long term form a routine in our lives, whether good or bad. However, these can increase your stress.

According to an investigation carried out by the University of Southern California, driven by Wendy Wood , stress and fatigue can make bad habits more obvious, in addition, more effected than normal.


What are the habits of our daily life that can contribute to increase your stress?

1. Not having a schedule to go to bed. The constant change when you go to sleep or wake up may be the cause of sleep deprivation, since you are not preparing the body for sleep with a relaxing routine.

Try to set an hour to sleep and wake up, be regular, with this you can have a more restful sleep.

2. Poor feeding. According to the nutritionist Littzie B. Porras, a bad diet can generate an imbalance in the body; example, the levels of sugar in the blood, which generate a stimulation of the adrenal glands that increase the production of adrenaline and cortisol, hormones associated with stress.

3. Procrastinate. The postponement of things for later helps one to rest at that moment, however, as the days pass and more and more work accumulates on the list of things to do, it becomes stressful.

4. Be messy. For the doctor Pamela Peeke , medical correspondent for Discovery Health, host of the series of Discovery Channel The lack of organization and the constant disorder can cause feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and defeat, not to mention the high levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.

5. Do not exercise. The lack of physical activity increases stress levels, especially in older adults, according to the geriatric expert, Tito Maceda.

Bad habits can not only increase your stress, they also damage your health from other aspects. Learn to take care of yourself and get rid of things that do not do you good.

Video Medicine: 7 Simple Tips To Reduce Your STRESS Right Now (April 2024).