Burn up to 100 calories a day!

Burn calories quickly when you are over 30 can be complicated. Even, sometimes we wonder why although we eat the same as before, we get fatter.

However, metabolism is not always the culprit, as explained by theArgentine ndocrinologist Juliana Mociulsky , "In reality, what can be modified at that age is the lifestyle: at 30, the usual rhythm, work and children cause physical activity to be lacking. Therefore, there may be more difficulty in maintaining weight. "

Then, "if you do less physical activity and there is a tendency to a slower metabolism, you may have to eat less food, but of a quality that provides the necessary nutrients," says Mociulsky.

Burn up to 100 calories a day!

  1. Make small changes in the type of food and the size of the portions contributes, almost without realizing it, to achieve a reduction of calories.
  2. For breakfast choose a small bowl of cereals without sugar, sliced ​​banana, skim milk and sweetener instead of a sweet bread.
  3. For pasta, prepare sauces with fresh vegetables, such as broccoli, spinach, mushrooms, instead of meat.
  4. If you make pizza, put half the amount of cheese you would normally use.
  5. In the portions that require cream, use the "0% fat" version.
  6. Apply the half-plate rule: half is filled with vegetables and the other half with meat or pasta (protein or starch).
  7. If you buy dishes at fast food places, opt for the smallest one. Do not let yourself be tempted by the promotions to enlarge it.
  8. Instead of eating a small chocolate (162 cal), prefer a nougat (50 cal).
  9. Choose fruit pies, such as apple, peach or strawberries instead of cakes with cream or mousses.
  10. Prepare a smoothie with low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk and fresh fruit instead of an ice cream.

Easy, right? Now you have to put it into practice, especially if you spend over 30. Try to do some physical activity, for example, walk to your work or take a walk in the afternoon. And you, how do you keep fit?