Avoid formula milk infections

Powder preparations for lactation They are not sterile due to the technology with which they are produced, so they can contain bacteria harmful, capable of causing serious diseases; its preparation and conservation are essential to reduce the risks.

According to the World Health Organization , powdered infant formulas have been associated with more than one disease serious and death in children. This has been caused by contamination bybacteria Y microorganisms , air in the cans, which causes oxidation , or by metal and iron particles.

To avoid contamination of the formula, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video in which pediatrician Díaz Miranda gives you some tips for proper preparation at home:

Remember that once the baby has been fed, the rest of the intake that has not been consumed should be discarded within two hours.

The most hygienic thing is to prepare the food again for each drink and drink it immediately. The formula prepared offers the ideal conditions for the proliferation ofbacteria if it is only kept at room temperature.

Each baby has specific needs for their feeding, so the best advice we can give you is to consult the pediatrician if you have any other questions.

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