Blood test that detects cancer

The cancer detection In its early stages it can mean, many times, the difference between living or dying. However, achieving your discovery on time is not simple or quick, unless you have medical insurance accounts.

But all is not lost, and this is shown by an investigation carried out by the Kimmerl Cancer Center of the Johns Hopkins University . Where was developed a new technique that will allow specialists to detect cancer in an easy and effective way.

This through a blood test, which is able to discover cancer at any stage in which it is. In addition, this tool provides the opportunity to monitor the progress of the disease on the body, without the need to perform a biopsy.

The test, in essence, is to locate the alterations that exist in the DNA. In the case of cancer patients, the combination of the genome sequences have irregularities that are not found in healthy people.

The study states that cancer patients present in their DNA a drastic restructuring of their chromosomes; product of the substances that the tumor sheds.

To arrive at this finding, the scientists took several blood samples from both healthy and terminally ill people. By comparing them, they discovered a predominant genetic peculiarity in the blood of sick patients.

Likewise, scholars comment that the process used to detect cancer is similar to that used for Down syndrome. In which a genetic analysis is made that allows finding chromosome 21, the causative factor of this condition.

The technique also aims to help doctors find and deduce the best treatment for the state or level at which the patient is. Since the test can determine the progress or setbacks you have.

Although it is still in a preliminary stage, and therefore its cost in the market is high. The researchers hope that with every technological advance in the field of oncology, this test will become the fastest and most useful way to cancer detection.

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Video Medicine: Looking for Cancer in a Blood Test (April 2024).