Soy inhibits the treatment of breast cancer

For its properties estrogenic , the consumption of soy , combined with the tamoxifen could nullify the therapeutic action of this treatment of breast cancer , according to research presented to the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR).

This does not mean that the soy , in itself, can produce breast cancer , but it does interfere in the effectiveness of this specific pharmacological treatment, being able to cancel it completely.

The tamoxifen reduces the level of estrogen in a way that controls the breast cancer when it has already been diagnosed and prevents its later appearance.

Therefore, the soy It counteracts this effect, rendering this type of therapy useless, which has been used for more than 20 years after the primary treatment for breast cancer in its precocious stage.

In an interview with GetQoralHealth, the doctor Carlos Aranda, director of the Oncological Institute of Morelos , explain what is this neoplasia and what measures to take when you suffer:

Specifically, professors of Oncology at the Georgetown Lombardi Medical Center, studied the reaction in laboratory rats between the consumption of soy and his response to tamoxifen .

The study, which divided the rats into several groups, showed that those who had fed throughout their lives with soy or with any component that included it, they responded well to tamoxifen .

However, those that began to consume soy of adults and after developing the breast cancer , had a resistance response to treatment.

Therefore, those women who started consuming soy , of adults, they should stop using it if they are diagnosed and receive this treatment from the breast cancer , to prevent a higher incidence of tumorations.

Video Medicine: Is Soy Healthy for Breast Cancer Survivors? (May 2024).