Bad thoughts?

If you see yourself as a fat, ugly, forgetful person, etc., these bad thoughts They begin to produce the stress hormone, which affects your health, weight and mind.

In accordance with Daniel G. Amen, author of the book "Change your brain and your body" , thebrain is an extremely powerful organ: "the negative thoughts they can make things happen. "

Therefore, the expert in positive psychology, José Luís Zaccagnini, from the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Málaga, Spain , recommends a series of steps to avoid bad thoughts and change our way of life:

1. Having a wide circle of friends helps middle-aged men and women to have a greater sense of well-being and happiness.

2. The main technique for "live in positive "It consists of three steps: 1. Identify the negative idea. 2. Understand that you can change it. 3. Replace it with a positive thinking .

3. Concentrate on being cheerful and active. Feel that you are happy. Move your body like when you are happy and excited. Sit up straight, breathe deeply and direct the power of your mind towards positive thoughts .

4. Let your ideas flow. If you are too attached to your thoughts, observe them "from the outside" with objectivity, to control them better and let them go.

5. Differentiate your worries. Make a list of the situations that most concern you and produce discomfort, and identify the different types of thoughts They represent: Unusable, negative and positive.

6. Discard the useless thoughts. Reflect on what you can do to solve the real problems that are within your reach, but stop thinking obsessively about things that are out of your control and that you can not do anything to change them. Many useless thoughts arise from not having forgiven the mistakes of others and the resentment that it feeds. They refer to something that can not be changed either: the past.

7. Cultivate trust. Many negative thoughts call into question the aptitudes or abilities of the person, submerging them in insecurity. But if you start from the idea that you can achieve what you want and remember moments of success, you can do it.

8. Phrases and messages that reinforce its positive part. We all have inner qualities that we sometimes forget and that should be remembered and brought to light by repeating: "I can do it"; "I am capable"; "I am a unique and special person", etc.

The thoughts they are living things, nuclei of energy and the quality of what we think determines the quality of what we live.

If you want to free your mind from worries and negative influences and you want to create a positive and creative disposition in a very short time, keep in mind the fact that we can only think one thing at a time. Always remember it.

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Video Medicine: Tony Robbins on How to Break Your Negative Thinking (April 2024).