Beauty and emotions ...

Symbol of beauty, the hair it is an element that reflects part of a person's personality, in addition to being unique. Since it is not only an impression, but a reality that lies in the capillary typology , habits and criteria beauty , and this is exemplified in that it is very different hair from a European person to an Asian person.

A study conducted in the Yale University, United States, found that the bad days of hair they are also for people. Research suggests that both men and women can be adversely affected when they see their hair in poor condition, increasing their self-criticism, insecurity and feeling of inferiority.

In this way it is verified by the experts of the University of Yale that the texture and shape of your hair can determine your mood. Therefore in GetQoralHealth we give you some recommendations. Catch them!


Beauty and emotions ...

The hair grows on average 0.3 mm per day and 1.5 cm per month, and falls between 50 to 100 hairs per day. However, beyond these details the hair plays an essential role in the self esteem and, above all, the way we face life.

According to a survey conducted by Travelodge to two thousand British women revealed that half consider their inner strength lies in their hair , and 67% of them could spoil a job interview if they feel bad about the appearance of their hair.

However, it is a situation that not only focuses on women. An investigation of National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), more than 70% of men believe that hair is a fundamental part of their image and 62% agree that thinning their hair hair It can affect your self esteem.

Currently there are different treatments to take care of hair, Although the best way to preserve your health is through healthy habits, such as a bullet feed and a dose of exercises that eliminate toxins from our organism.

Some keys to take care of your hair is that you cut it every month and a half; usea moisturizing treatment and in the case of women, avoid that every day you do ponytail or braids, as these habits cause more dryness and sting in your hair.

Video Medicine: Such Beauty - God's Emotions (April 2024).