Adipokines, causing excess fat?

The obesity and overweight are characterized by an increase in adipose tissue as a result of a positive imbalance between food intake and energy expenditure, resulting in an excess of fats in the body.

The adipose tissue it is the only organ with unlimited growth capacity throughout life, and produces factors with actions in many other tissues.
In addition, according to, it plays an important role in the metabolism , is an active endocrine organ that secretes a series of signaling peptides, adipokines , with various biological functions, including regulating the excess of fats in the body.

These adipokines play a major role in the regulation of metabolism lipid and homeostasis of the glucose through endocrine, systemic actions in the brain, in the liver and in the muscles.

Recent studies, published in Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis , indicate that the role of adipocytes it is more complex than expected, because these cells have multiple functions and are integrated into a homeostatic network (how to store and burn them) to optimize energy resources, according to

The adipocytes produce and secrete a wide variety of molecules with a high biological activity called, among which are tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), leptin, resistin, adiponectin, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI) -1) among others, which determine the way to store and use this excess of fats .

The secretion and serum concentration of adipokines depend in large part on the degree of adiposity , a fact that has led to the hypothesis of the deregulation of adipokines proinflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects in obesity as a pathogenic link with diabetes Y cardiovascular diseases .

The adipokines are directly related to the concentrate of adipose tissue in a person, the way in which it is stored and used, due to the various hormones and signals that are generated from the brain to the rest of the body, which directly affects the excess of fats and the levels of overweight and obesity .

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Video Medicine: ✔Series: ADIPONECTIN, A CAUSE OF WEIGHT GAIN AND OBESITY. Weight loss tips and tricks: Hormonal bala (April 2024).