Achieves a firm and stylized body

One of the great inconveniences when you start doing exercise or you submit to a diet rigorous to lose weight is how achieve eliminate fat without losing muscle .


American Family Physician of the United States explains that when slimming Very quickly, it is most likely that you are losing more Water Y muscle instead of grease . It suggests that in order not to diminish muscle mass it is important to go down 900 grams by week .


Achieves a firm and stylized body

The United States Sports Academy explain what burn calories To generate Energy and keep the proteins in the tissue muscular they are processes that are carried out at the same time but independently.

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Therefore, if your desire to eliminate grease without losing muscle It has been a difficult task, we share some recommendations that will help you.

1. Have breakfast. National Council on Strength and Fitness explains that with a fast prolonged or by skipping meals the body starts losing the grease stored and muscle . The recommendation is to integrate in the breakfast all food groups: proteins (25%), fruits (20%), cereals (25%) and vegetables (30%).

2. Decrease calorie consumption. What is healthy is that in the diet integrate foods less caloric that help you to reduce your habitual consumption. With 500 calories It's enough to not destabilize the organism and lose musculature , suggest some specialists.

The study Effects of aerobic or resistance exercise and / or diet on glucose tolerance and plasma insulin levels in obese men confirms that by lowering a thousandcalories to diet daily and combine it with training three times a week, you can lose 9 g. of grease and keep the muscle mass .

3. Control the consumption of proteins. These are fundamental to build muscles strong and healthy, it is therefore important that you watch your consumption . International Conference on Foods, Nutrition and Sports Perfomance recommends that athletes consume 1.2 to 1.7 grams of proteins per kilo of body weight .

4. Exercise with less weight. Kinesiologists at McMaster University in Hamilton , Ontario, Canada, state that when it comes to forming muscle and lose grease the important thing is to lift Lightweight and do more repetitions have to carry a lot less weight


If you want to build more muscle a proven technique is load less weight until the last repetition is very hard ", concludes Stuart Phillips, from McMaster University .

Remember the importance of consulting a nutritionist who will give you the best recommendations according to your complexion , age, Lifestyle . Start today!

Video Medicine: MCA Talk: The City Between Image and Fact (May 2024).