8 yoga keys for beginners

This discipline offers multiple benefits to the body, among them, greater flexibility , optimize the tonicity of the skin, lose weight and reduce pains in certain areas of the body, such as lower back Y knees .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth Stephany Weingerz , teacher of yoga and director of O2Yoga Center , ensures that those who are joining the yoga , you should take into account the following recommendations to protect your body.

1. Keep your back straight: "Many people, especially those who start in this lifestyle, believe that stretching more than necessary, in a posture, is correct, but it is not, because they can damage the spine. They should focus on having the right back and not on going forward. " Here is a sample of the well-made posture:

2. Flexibility in the hip : "The flexion It's from the hip, not from the spine. When they do it correctly, they can fight back pain and lumbar areas "
3. Never close your shoulders: "What we need is for the shoulders to be open so as not to hurt the lower back"
4. In the position of "Warrior" , the knee must never exceed the foot that is flexed: "When it is done repeatedly, the only thing that is caused is damage to the knees". The correct asana (posture) is:

5. Breathe: "You should breathe consciously. Breathe in, by inflating the stomach and exhaling by inserting the stomach and taking out all the air; You must feel how the ribs get into your abdomen. " Inhalation and exhalation are through the nose
6. People who start must come with the open mind : "Of course, there will be positions that will cost them work, but it is normal, the body is not used, but little by little they will achieve it"
7. Individual practice: "At yoga What matters is how we become aware of our thoughts and not worry about whether or not we posture. It does not matter what the other (your classmate) does "
8. Step by Step: "Never let another, teacher or partner of yoga , take you beyond where you really can. Neither force your body, since the change is gradual. Do not despair, with constancy your body will go further "

Weingerz, reiterates that the yoga allows the oxygenation of your body to improve; helps to reduce the levels of stress Y anxiety . It makes your sense of humor better. Increase your creativity , since your mind and body are open to new things and make healthy changes in your life.

Remember that you must practice yoga in centers and with certified teachers, that do not put your health at risk. If you want to know a little more about the philosophy and courses of o2Yoga , visit: www.o2yogamexico.com

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Video Medicine: 5 Key Yoga Poses For Men (May 2024).