Endless crying in babies

The crying is the form of communication of a baby to transmit or express needs or discomfort . Both circumstances are inevitable, but it is avoidable that the child suffers for them. Knowing how to identify the possible causes ofbaby lanto help the potatoes to understand your child, especially the first time.

The babies usually cry from 1 to 3 hours a day and it is perfectly normal for them to do so in an attempt to communicate what they feel hungry, thirst , discomfort , tiredness or loneliness . It is also normal that a baby have a period of irritability during the night.

However, if a baby cries Too much, this may suggest the presence of a disorder that requires treatment. The most frequent causes of crying are:

1. Boredom or loneliness 2. Colic 3. Discomfort or irritation caused by a diaper wet or dirty, for gases excessive or feeling cold 4. Hungry or thirsty 5. Illness 6. Infection (a probable cause if the crying it is accompanied by irritability, lethargy Inappetence or fever). 7. Medications 8. Contractions and muscle spasms normal that disturb the dream 9. Pain 10. Dentition .

If he baby seems to have hungry constantly, even though you feed him frequently, consult a doctor about normal growth and schedules feeding appropriate.

If he crying is caused by boredom or loneliness, it is recommended to caress , load Y speak to him more to baby and keep it in sight. The toys that do not offer any kind of danger to baby they should be kept in a place where you can see them.

If the problem is caused by a Sleep disorder , throw it firmly into a blanket before taking it to bed.

If he baby cries Excessively because it is cold, soak it well or adjust the temperature of the environment. Generally, if adults feel cold, the baby as well.

Therefore, it is recommended that you always check the possible causes of pain or discomfort in a baby what cries . And if it comes to present some other symptom as fever, or there does not seem to be an explanation of his crying , go to the pediatrician immediately.


Video Medicine: Endless of Cafca animation, for 15 minutes (Baby stops crying.) (April 2024).