8 tips to reduce stress during vacations

Do not you know how to reduce stress during vacations? These periods of work are necessary to take care of our physical and mental health, since excessive tension negatively affects the quality of life.

According to a study of the New York State University suggests that taking a vacation prevents the risk of heart attacks. In addition, this period refreshes your ideas so it improves your creativity.

However, for some people it is very difficult to leave stress aside to enjoy their life during the holidays and beyond relaxing, experience greater tension.

In information published by The Huffington Post It is explained that a busy mind with pending work or worries prevents a person from relaxing completely, so to avoid this, follow the following tips:

1. Organize yourself and meet all your pending. Maintaining an order in your workplace will help you clear your mind completely on your vacation. Give priority to tasks that have a deadline, recommends psychologist J. Kip Matthews, vice president of AK Counseling & Consulting, Inc .

2. Do not be so accessible . Work pressures may force you to keep in touch with the office, however, this can reduce your relaxation. Avoid it!

3. Prepare your superiors. Two days before, get into the "vacation mode", that is, try to limit your work functions so that the people around you understand that they will not be able to bother you during your holiday period.

4. Prepare for eventualities. Remember that even if you plan your vacation with time, there are always unforeseen events, so keep your mind open and relaxed.

5. Mentalize . Having a good disposition to enjoy these days of rest is essential to avoid that they become an extension of your work, but in a different place. Do not forget that this time is for you to take advantage of in your family and in you.

6. Disconnect Forget about technology these days. It limits the use of the computer, telephone calls and the entrance to social networks.

7. Schedule your activities . Changing an accelerated rhythm to a relaxed one is very difficult, because it can generate anxiety; however, this can be substituted with activities that are of your liking and that keep you busy.

8. Plan on your return to work. Normally, people experience a little fear when the holidays are over; however, try to remember that you left everything in order, so you will not encounter problems when you return.

In addition to completely disconnecting from work to reduce stress during your holidays, do not forget to keep all your documents in order if you plan to go to another city and make your bags in time.

Video Medicine: 3 Tips to De-stress During the Holidays (May 2024).