7 tips to have a flat abdomen

To develop the muscles of the abdomen it is fundamental to do abdominal exercises . This, coupled with a diet balanced, they will allow you to burn grease . Of course, the abdominals should be part of your exercise program, since it is necessary to combine them with other routines.

The key is to learn how to do these types of exercises correctly. Therefore, we give you 7 tips to help you achieve it:

1. Technique. If you just start in the abs, learn to execute the exercises correctly. When doing trunk lifts, do not put your hands on the nape of the neck, place them on the sides of the head or cross the chest. The neck should be straight in line with the trunk and the chin raised, never stuck to the chest. When performing the abdominal contraction the trunk rises without bending the neck. Do not elevate the body using the lumbar muscles. If you have trouble doing it, start by squeezing only your stomach

2. Intensity . Like any other muscle group, when training increases the intensity progressively

3. Variety . Alternate your routine. One exercise for the upper portion of the rectus abdominis, another for the lower portion, another for the obliques, and two for the abdominal transverse

4. Order . Train your abdominals according to the strength of each region. For example, first the lower part weaker and then the obliques, etc.

5. Repetitions . Ideally, you have a training program. You could start with 3 series, with a maximum of 25 repetitions

6. Break . Take a break between sets, from 20 to 45 seconds. This will be enough to regain strength and continue with your routine

7. Recovery . The golden rule for muscle growth includes hard training to produce micro injuries and recovery periods to promote the formation of new muscle fibers . Training the abdominals every day, does not allow recovery and therefore, the muscles do not grow

Remember that you must exhale the air through your mouth when you do the contraction and inhale through the nose, when you relax. By controlling the breath you will increase the intensity of the exercise noticeably.

Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (April 2024).