Pressure reading

If you have asked yourself what to do when the pressure drops, calm, do not be scared. It is usually a good sign to manage a low blood pressure, as long as you do not have some symptoms that would indicate a serious problem such as hypotension.

What is low pressure or hypotension ? To understand it better, it is convenient to review in the first place, what is the blood pressure and what are the levels that are considered normal.

The blood pressure is the measure of the pressure that blood exerts on your arteries, driven by the heart, during the phases of activity and rest of each beat. There are two types of pressure: systolic and diastolic. These are measured, usually in the forearm, with a device called a tensiometer (or sphygmomanometer) and the readings are obtained in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

The systolic pressure , is the highest number (the first one obtained) and refers to the pressure generated by the heart when it pumps blood through the arteries at the time when it exerts the maximum force of contraction. The diastolic pressure is the smallest number (the second), and refers to the pressure in the arteries when the heart rests between one heartbeat and another.


Pressure reading

It can vary in a short period of time, depending on the position of your body, the rhythm of your breathing, your level of stress, your physical condition, the medications you take and what you eat and drink. It is usually lower at night, and goes up quickly when you get up.

According to the American Heart Association and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, an adult's blood pressure is considered normal when the systolic pressure is 120 mm Hg or less and the diastolic pressure is 80 mm Hg. or less.

If the systolic is between 120 and 130 and / or the diastolic is between 80 and 89 it is considered pre-hypertension, if the systolic is above 140 and / or the diastolic is above 90, it is considered high ( hypertension). On the other hand if the systolic pressure is at 90 mm Hg. or less or the diastolic is at 60 mm Hg. or less, it is considered low (hypotension).

Generally, low blood pressure alone is not dangerous to health (within certain limits), and many people have it normally low without experiencing problems. But when it gets too low, immediate measures must be taken, as it can cause oxygen and nutrients in the blood to not reach the vital organs, which has serious health consequences. If you normally have low blood pressure, and you have noticed one or more of the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, as these may be a sign of other medical problems:


Symptoms of low blood pressure


Fainting (or syncope)

Pale skin, cold


Blurry vision

Difficulty concentrating


General weakness



Rapid and shallow breathing



Why is the pressure low?

There are several conditions that can cause low blood pressure or hypotension. They are between them:

Dehydration If you become dehydrated, your body loses more water than it receives. High fever, vomiting, diarrhea, taking an excess of diuretics or doing strenuous exercises can dehydrate you

Bleeding When you lose a large amount of blood from a wound or internal bleeding, the pressure may go down.

Pregnancy. As the woman's circulatory system expands rapidly, blood pressure has to go down. The pressure usually normalizes after delivery.

Heart diseases Some can lead to low blood pressure (sometimes very low), such as problems with heart valves, heart attacks and heart failure.

Endocrine problems Thyroid problems, adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease), a very low level of sugar (hypoglycaemia) and sometimes diabetes can cause hypotension.

Severe infection If the infection enters the bloodstream, septic shock can occur, this is a serious problem that can be life threatening.

Lack of nutrients in the diet. Deficiency of vitamin B12 and / or folic acid can cause anemia, and this can also lower blood pressure.

Severe allergic reactions. Some foods, medicines or the poison of some insects can produce anaphylaxis, an allergic reaction that can be serious and very dangerous.

Some medications can also cause pressure to drop, such as: beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, diuretics, ACE inhibitors, antidepressants, antipsychotics, as well as some medications to treat Parkinson's or erectile dysfunction. Other substances such as alcohol and narcotics can also cause a drop in blood pressure or hypotension.

I repeat, a single episode of low blood pressure should not worry you if you do not experience other symptoms. That is, if the descent is sudden, even slight, it can cause dizziness and fainting. In certain cases, when the blood pressure drops suddenly it can be due to another health problem, such as bleeding, a severe infection, an allergic reaction or what is known as orthostatic hypotension. The latter is caused by a sudden change in body position, if you get up quickly after sitting or lying down. Low blood pressure suddenly causes dizziness, blurred vision and even fainting.


How is low blood pressure treated?

The treatment of low blood pressure depends on the cause. Sometimes, if the clinical history does not establish the cause (for example, that you are taking a medicine that explains it or that you are dehydrated), it is necessary to do a series of studies such as: an electrocardiogram, some blood tests, echocardiogram , stress test, the Valsalva maneuver, and / or the test of the inclined table, among others.



Drink plenty of water and limit your alcohol intake to avoid dehydration.

Take a healthy diet (if you ask you to increase the consumption of sodium or salt, do it with caution).

Wear elastic stockings

Eat small portions of foods that contain carbohydrates several times a day.

Avoid position changes quickly.

In certain cases, it is necessary to prescribe medications such as fludrocortisone.

Remember that low pressure alone is not the problem. It is the sudden fall or association of low blood pressure with other symptoms that requires you to consult a doctor as soon as possible. There are situations that are an emergency. Do not self-prescribe or wait (it could be important). Seek help from a health professional. He or she will look for the cause that causes you hypotension and will indicate the appropriate treatment to normalize it.

Video Medicine: High Blood Pressure Readings & Numbers (April 2024).