6 tips for food at work

It is no secret that most people who spend 8 to 10 hours in their work , they do not carry an adequate feeding , but they eat quickly, sauteed, after hours and also argue that they do not have time to do some kind of exercise .

Then an endless parade begins during the day of fatty food very seasoned coffee , the refreshments , cupcakes and cookies, tacos and junk food in general, so sooner or later cause gastritis , acidity , constipation; Y high cholesterol , overweight and obesity , among other diseases.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we give you some tips that will help you to take a better feeding in you work and prevent you from gaining weight:

1. If you can not take home cooked meal , try to choose places of healthy food , varied, where the dishes are based on vegetables , and the cooking is not by frying.

2. Choose to accompany natural water or fruit water to accompany your meals, instead of refreshments . Also, instead of bread or tortillas try to ask for a salad .

3. Control the portions and do not eat everything that is served. Moderate the way you eat each dish without having to set aside any of them; an option may be to ask only half portions each.

4. Choose foods from easy digestion and avoid those that cause fatigue and heaviness in your stomach. This will keep you agile and alert, so try to consume more vegetables, fruits and dairy .

5. Do not abuse the coffee do not consume unhealthy appetizers. Ideally, you can take a lunch very easy to prepare in home , like a bit of chopped fruit.

6. If you do not have time to do physical activity , try not to spend a lot of time sitting down, get up to tell him about the email you sent to your partner, use more stairs instead of the elevator and choose other forms of transport to your work , as walk or the bike.

The reality is that healthy eating, having an active life and a positive vision about things, it is a basic foundation to keep the organism healthy and avoid future ailments related to the overweight .

Video Medicine: 6 Tips to Retrain Your Brain So You Never Eat Junk Food Again (April 2024).