6 foods to look sexier

To enhance your sex appeal and look sexier you should not invest large amounts of money in creams or perfumes, you can achieve it by just making small changes in your diet . According to a publication in the Huffington Post , there are foods that due to their properties make you look more attractive and sensual. GetQoralHealth tells you what they are

1 apple: This fruit reinforces the defenses, improves the digestion and it provides a feeling of fullness. Eat it as a snack. The apple protects the lungs from environmental pollution and tobacco .

2. Purple onion: It is rich in vitamins , sulfur, phosphorus, iron, calcium, sodium and magnesium. Improve the blood circulation and decreases the risk of clot formation; stabilizes the levels of cholesterol and avoids the appearance of wrinkles .

3. Chocolate: Is a aphrodisiac natural that in addition to raising your libido , prevents stress and is a great ally against Premenstrual syndrome . Only to take care of your weight do not consume it excessively.

4. Honey: It is a powerful natural nutrient that provides energy and vitality, contains boron in abundance, mineral that increases the levels of testosterone , hormone related to the desire and ability to have orgasms .

5. Strawberries: It favors the Blood flow ; it feeds the capacity and sexual desire .

6. Banana: It has a high content of potassium, magnesium and vitamins B, C and E. Therefore, it provides elasticity to the skin and keeps her looking young.

Eat these foods as a half-day snack, this way you control your appetite and your weight. Do not forget to consume two liters of water a day to stay hydrated and prevent the aging .


Video Medicine: How To Look Young And Sexy FOREVER! 6 Secrets To Age Better Than Your Friends (May 2024).