5 tips to take care of the skin in young adults

The skin It is the largest organ of our body, so we must keep it healthy and shiny. The rules of care for young adults who are between 25 and 35 years old are similar to those of the adolescent in terms of bathing, drying, lubrication and protection from the sun.

The Mexican Foundation for Dermatology (FMD) notes that at these ages people are very vulnerable to believe in advertising gimmicks that show miraculous products and create false expectations in terms of caring for skin , beautify it and slow down aging.

In addition, at this stage is when people allow to apply or inject any type of material (vegetable, mineral, even car) into their tissues, in order to increase the volume of some body region or to disguise the lines of expression (wrinkles). So that you avoid any dermatological damage, we give you 5 tips to take care of the skin in young adults:

1.- Watch cosmetic procedures: Check that the hair removal , peelings, tattoos, permanent delineation, procedures for slim down , are performed by dermatologists and / or certified plastic surgeons.

2.- Be meticulous with cosmetic products: The use of these products must be ordered, that is, it uses only one brand, preferably with the legend "hypoallergenic". Be careful to remove makeup daily.

3.- Prevent spots: Avoid the use of creams, perfumes, aftershave lotions and substances of aromatherapy (essences of plants and citrus) in areas exposed to sunlight.

4.- Take care during shaving: Avoid the use of scented foams or gels, as well as drying substances such as alcohol or menthol.

5.- Use sunscreen: Direct exposure to sunlight can detonate the skin cancer , so protect yourself with a good filter against UV rays.

In addition, it is important to take care of the skin according to your personal and work tasks. If you are one of the people who dip their hands constantly in water, detergents and cleansing substances avoid contact dermatitis with the use of cotton gloves under rubber gloves; Do not forget to lubricate your skin with neutral creams and emollients. And you, do you do a routine to take care of the skin?

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Video Medicine: 5 Tips for Healthy Skin (April 2024).