5 symptoms of muscular stress

Muscular stress occurs when the load or tension that resists a certain area of ​​the body is overcome by various causes; which may cause a temporary or permanent injury or immobilization in the long run.

According to the expert Antonio Barbosa, physiatrist and specialist in sports medicine and physical rehabilitation, and director of the Center for Integral Physical Rehabilitation, Some of the causes that can produce muscular stress are the following:

1. Perform an exercise incorrectly.

2. Work stress. Where the person has a professional activity behind a monitor, a condition that produces poor posture.

3. Push an object that exceeds our strength.

4. Old injury. This if not treated correctly can generate contralateral pressure of the damaged muscle.

5. Bad use of the shoe. Especially when talking about the use of low footwear for many hours. Especially what refers to the tendon of the sole of the foot that can also suffer from muscular stress.

Thus, each area of ​​the body can present this pathology that, if left untreated, can lead to a lesion of the dorsal spine, of the hip, of the joint, until it reaches an inability to move the area or limb.

The ways to treat and prevent muscle stress are the following:

1. Change of position. If you work in front of a computer, the arms should be supported on the desk up to the level of the elbows.

2. Do stretching exercise.

3. If you already have the injury, you can treat it with rehabilitation.

Here it is important that you do not perform strong or deep massages, as according to the expert Barbosa beyond improving can hurt the pain in the muscle. Remember, your health is in your hands. Beware!

Video Medicine: How Body Stress Affects You & Where It Accumulates! (May 2024).