Learn to identify a TCA

The Eating Disorders (TAC) are diseases mental disorders that generate serious alterations in the feeding , weight Y self esteem of the people who suffer them, according to information published by the Ellen West Foundation .

Any individual can be a victim of TAC , but it is commonly seen among adolescents. It is important to detect them in time because they represent an important death rate in the world.

A Eating Disorder It has different characteristics; However, the main one is that the person has various problems in their feeding . Among the best known are: the anorexy , the bulimia and the binge .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Marcela Arzaluz , nutritional coordinator of the Ellen West Foundation , explains in detail the characteristics of the anorexy and the bulimia :

According to the specialist, in the case of anorexy , is identified in people who have low weight , who consume very small amounts of food and have an intense fear of gaining weight.

Those who suffer bulimia present Binge recurrent, with subsequent compensations to that food intake, as they arevomiting , purges andexercise compulsive, and have an overvaluation of body and figure.

Remember that the role of the family acquires special relevance in these cases, because it represents the primary nucleus, where norms, roles, customs and habits that influence lifestyles, and even more, food attitudes.

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Video Medicine: $15 FRIDAY is TOTALLY CORKED! How to detect TCA and What You Can Do to fix it (April 2024).