10 strategies vs. stress

There are various symptoms of stress that have been associated with various physical, emotional and mental conditions that undermine a person's health and put their quality of life at risk, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of the United States.

Learning about emotional control and having a good strategy for managing stress can change the perspective of how to deal with any complex situation you face, in order to get ahead and develop in an integral way.

According to American Psychological Association (APA) , stress reduces the energy needed to undertake plans and achieve goals. Worry removes vitality and focus. Therefore, a relaxation method that works for you is necessary.

If you do not know how to relax, you will lose a lot of time and energy and you will end up compromising your health and well-being. Therefore in GetQoralHealth we present some of the most effective strategies to control it or to transform your stress.

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