5 stress impacts on the teeth

Not only is it enough to have a bad hygiene mouth to promote the development of germs and bacteria that damage your mouth, since a study details that the stress It damages your teeth.

According to the investigation of the Tufts University, in the United States , there is a direct relationship between stress and oral health, a situation that must be controlled to maintain a healthy mouth.

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5 stress impacts on the teeth

Scientists detail that people who are under stress they abandon healthy habits, so they eat sugary foods, smoke, drink alcohol and forget hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing, but how does stress damage the teeth?

1. The gums bleed more. When people are under a lot stress , the gums bleed more when brushing teeth.

2. Inflammation of gums. In an attempt to protect yourself from the bacteria in your mouth it attacks your own gums at very Stressful .

3. Gingivitis. When the stress It takes over the body, the defenses are reduced so the bacteria easily damage the teeth causing these two diseases. Smoking and diabetes are also two triggers.

4. Periodontitis . When people are very stressed they produce cortisol in the gums, a hormone that stimulates inflammation and promotes the development of the disease.

5. Bruxism . Stress favors this dental discomfort, which consists of tightening the denture.

In the same study, it is specified that periodontitis damage can be stopped with regular dental cleanings and the use of antioxidants and anti-inflammatories found in fruit and vegetable flavonoids.

Also, do not forget to put some techniques into practice to control the stress , as well as improve your oral cleaning habits. And you, how many times a day do you brush your teeth?