5 risks of a useless diet

Recently, the sculptural Kim Kardashian openly acknowledged that she is dissatisfied with her body, to the extent that, in order to feel satisfied, when she has photo sessions or important events, she resorts to a diet of shock, which consists in limiting herself to eating a single time Type of food.

What perhaps Kim ignores is that although the effectiveness of this type of diet and the use of magic garments have an immediate and encouraging effect, it is also that this occurs for a brief period and generates five health risks such as:

  1. Alterations in the metabolism
  2. Reduction of bone mass
  3. Severe damage to internal organs
  4. Loss of body water
  5. Flaccidity and cellulitis

These are the main problems that lead to undergo a diet lacking the nutrients required by the body for its full operation, says the doctor Carmen Sánchez Mora, biologist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).


Anxiety, that does not dominate you

A characteristic of those who adhere to a diet to lose weight , is that they suffer from anxiety because they want to get rid in a short time of those kilos that it took them years to acquire.

This game of losing and gaining weight, additionally simulated with garments that compress the body, represents a serious danger because they cause damages at cardiovascular level and vital functions of the organism.

More well-being, less illusion

Achieving the perfect body has a key and is as simple as practicing some physical activity, the one you like the most and makes it easy to do it frequently, from walking, to practicing dance, capoeira, spinning , yoga or pilates , the one that best suits your way of being, your available time and even physical abilities.

If you also accompany a balanced diet and do not represent you have to deprive yourself of any food, except for a matter of protection to your health and by medical prescription, you will have the security that you will shape your figure without aspiring to look like anyone and fully enjoying health and strength. "The principle of patience is to start with oneself" . If you want to know more about the subject, write to bojorge@teleton.org.mx

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Video Medicine: Dr Pam Popper: Glycemic Index Useless for Lowering Disease Risk; Paleo Diet Doesn't Exist (April 2024).