5 nutritious vegetables

There is a great variety of healthy food who provide the necessary nutrients, to carry out daily activities, carry a diet balanced and prevent diseases that are registered this season.

With the aim of improving your feeding , we give you five examples of vegetables that you should include in your dishes:

Asparagus : It is one of the most nutritious and balanced green foods, because it gives you the necessary amounts of folic acid, potassium, fiber , thiamine and vitamins . In addition, it has diuretic properties that help eliminate grease bodily.

Spinach : Contains vitamins K and A, manganese, folic acid , fiber , calcium and proteins. It has laxative properties, which help prevent the constipation and the accumulation of cholesterol .

Peas : It is a rich source of vitamin C, manganese and iron. They are ideal to combat the constipation , the anemia , the arteriosclerosis , flu Y fever .

Artichoke : This healthy food is rich in antioxidants , fiber and minerals that help prevent cancer. In addition, it is diuretic, so it facilitates the elimination of toxins and liquids.

Broccoli : It consists of vitamins , fiber , water and minerals. It is diuretic, laxative and antioxidant . Helps protect the eyesight, prevents the Cancer and fight the ulcer or gastritis .

By including these healthy foods in your diet , you will observe positive changes in your body, because your skin It will look cleaner, have a strong immune system, detoxify your liver and, best of all, decrease your weight bodily. So eat vegetables!

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Video Medicine: Diet & Nutrition : Vegetables High in Carbohydrates (May 2024).