5 keys to be more intuitive

Intuition is an innate faculty, which can be cultivated, which provides immediate knowledge, without the participation of reason, to make appropriate decisions. It also helps the human being to capture a situation, event or person that could be harmful.

It can guide more effectively than conscious reasoning by recognizing subliminal signals that are usually associated with certain situations and consequences, as well as subconsciously learning from them, researchers from University College London and the Pierre et Marie Curie University, of France.

The idea that intuition is developed through experience and can serve as a guide when making decisions, is based on subliminal instrumental learning (which uses the consequences to modify behavior) that takes place in the brain without a conscious intervention.

Intuition is typically manifested through words, images, feelings or visceral sensations, which we do not always know how to interpret. To help develop our intuition we need to be able to recognize and observe these clues or symbols through some exercises, according to Belleruth Naparstek, author of Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking the Power of Your Intuition :

1. Concentration The process of meditation , through yoga for example, it allows a person to clear the mind of other thoughts and leave it free to receive the intuitive process.

2. Listen . Examining your interior, what you feel and think, will allow you to open the intuitive process with respect and trust and not as a way to exercise power or control.

3. Recognize intuition . Keep a record of experiences in a way that distinguishes when you perceive more intuitively, and what affects that capacity positively or negatively.

4. Creativity . Creative thinking is born from the possibility of recognizing different ways of solving problems. It is knowing that there are more possibilities, it is opting for little traveled routes. And since intuition and creativity are deeply linked, if one develops, the other also increases.

5. Exercise . Performing physical activity every day provides the necessary and alert energy to process intuition, in addition to allowing better oxygenation and brain function.

Intuition uses different levels or vehicles to manifest itself, and perhaps more than one at a time: the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual, allows us to see the nature of things without fantasies or projections, so developing it opens the way to make decisions in a conscious and realistic way.

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