5 infusions vs. fluid retention

The retention of liquids It is a common problem that manifests itself with symptoms such as inflammation abdominal, hands, legs, face and hips. The causes are diverse, from a hormonal alteration, pregnancyproblems of the kidney and stress. However, this problem can be remedied with infusions ; example, horsetail tea.

In this regard, the National Library of Medicine of the United States notes that horsetail possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; In addition, it has chemicals that work like "water pills" (diuretics).


5 infusions vs. fluid retention

These are some infusions that help your body to feel much better if you're retaining liquids .

1. Fennel. For its properties diuretics natural, it is recommended to use their seeds in infusions to alleviate problems of retention of liquids , although the desire to urinate may be increased by its effects, says a study published in Journal of Ethnopharmacology .

2. Capers. An investigation of the Oxford University confirms that capers They have effective properties to treat this problem. The recommendation is to boil for 15 minutes in a liter of water 50 grams of the root; let it cool, strain and drink the liquid before decade food , maximum three times a day.

3. Hair of corn. It has properties diuretics and is used against retention of liquids . To prepare the infusion, you need 30 grams per one liter of water let boil.

It is suggested, take it cold or hot, around three cups throughout the morning and afternoon, never at night, according to the study Medicinal use of corn hair, of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos .

4. Flower of Jamaica Its infusion is ideal to counteract problems of retention of liquid because it is a diuretic or , ensures medical bioenergetics, Katia Vélez Garcés . You can boil 10 grams of jamaica flower in a liter of water and drink it at any time of the day.

5. Plum Passes. In addition to treating problems gastrointestinal , another of the main functions is to help remove liquids of the body, due to the amount of potassium that he has, 824 mg per 100 g, which helps regular the amount of fluids in the body.

Other recommendations that you can follow is reduce the consumption of Salt . You should never replace natural water with infusions, teas or other liquids. The pure water It is the ideal and the necessary for the body.

Also, the Spanish Society of Cardiology suggest not to use clothing very adjusted , because they impede the good circulation of blood and cause the heart to make an effort to increase the blood pressure and with it increases the retention of liquids and toxic in the body.

Ideally, before of ingesting any infusion is Consult yet doctor to know the origin of the problem and find the treatment suitable. Beware!