5 exercises to eliminate cellulite

One of the biggest traumas of a woman is that the grease it begins to accumulate in certain parts of the body and generates the unsightly orange peel; however, with the help of a few simple exercises for the cellulitis You can eradicate this physical problem.

According to the portal Mundo Celulitis.com , cellulite is an accumulation of water, fat and toxins, which is produced by hormonal imbalances, genetic factors, circulatory problems, subsistence allowance rich in fats and the lack of physical activity . Therefore, the first tip to prevent or correct it is activating, so here we show you five exercises for the cellulitis :

1.- Strengthens abductors and glutes: Lie on your back on the floor, with your legs flexed and closed; Leaves arms and abdomen relaxed. When you join your legs and contract your buttocks, raise your hips. Do three sets of 20 repetitions.

2.- Toning thighs: Stand in four places, with your arms semi-flexed and resting on the ground. Keep one knee resting on the floor and lift the other leg up to hip height. Do three sets of 20 repetitions.

3.- Work quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes: Standing, place one leg in front of another. Flex your knee a little (90 degrees) and keep your back straight. Alternate the legs. Do three sets of 20 repetitions of this exercise for cellulite.

4.- Squats: Standing with your legs apart, feet facing out and hands on your hips, bend your knees to a 90 degree angle. Hold this position for two minutes and return to the initial one. Do three sets of 20 repetitions.

5.- Firm buttocks: In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Arli Lifshitz, instructor of Jazzercise del Valle , explains a routine to strengthen hip and buttocks:


Other exercises for cellulite

So that the monotony does not bore you and you end up leaving the activity, you can practice some exercises for cellulitis in the company of your partner or friends such as:

  1. Walk half an hour a day
  2. Play tennis
  3. Practice water skiing
  4. Do exercise aerobic or with weights
  5. Swim
  6. Up and down stairs
  7. Walk in bike

In addition, these sports or exercises for cellulite will help you activate your metabolism , reaffirm your skin , burn grease , decrease the stress , strengthen your bones and improve your physical condition.

Remember that before practicing any exercise you must warm up before you start and stretch when you finish, to prevent physical discomfort or injuries . If you have a lot of time that you do not make physical activities , start gradually, so you do not lose interest. And you, are you ready to do these exercises for cellulite?

Video Medicine: Workouts for Women : How Do I Get Rid of Cellulite through Exercise? (May 2024).