2 masks vs flaccidity and acne

It is said that the passage of time is inevitable, as well as its footprints in the skin ; however, flaccidity does not have to be so if you take care of your diet, have good hygiene and do exercise . In addition, there are certain tricks that allow you to keep your body and face free of it, such as masks .

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present you two masks that you can do at home to improve and reaffirm the areas of your body that you want:


Chocolate and honey mask

The chocolate , as a natural remedy, it can be very useful against the sagging of the face, because it has substances like antioxidants that act against free radicals that favors the appearance of wrinkles and flaccidity.

On the other hand, it contains fatty acids that skin It needs and gives you firmness, so it can be applied to the part of your body that you choose.


2 bars of bitter chocolate (100 gr aprox each)
2 tablespoons of honey

Preparation : Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie and wait for it to be well fused. Remove from heat and add tablespoons of liquid honey. Mix well until the ingredients are integrated.

With the mask Even in a liquid state (but not very hot), apply to the areas you want to tone. Then, cover with plastic or plastic paper and leave for half an hour. Remove the mask with a cold water bath and repeat its application two or three times a week.


Tomato mask

The tomato is an important source of antioxidants Y vitamins A and C , so their free radicals stimulate the production of collagen to keep the skin firm and elastic, thus delaying the appearance of the first expression marks or acne .


2 tomatoes
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

Preparation : Peel the skin of the tomatoes and grind well (it can even be in the blender). Empty in a bowl and add the tablespoon of lemon juice and two sugar until you have a paste. It is recommended, so that it does not remain very liquid, only use the seeds of one of the tomatoes.

Once ready, apply it on the face or area you want exfoliate , keep it for 20 minutes and remove it with a damp cloth or towel. Repeat three times a week.

Remember, in addition to these masks , it is recommended that you take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, as well as drink enough water per day, which helps skin cleaner and firmer.

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