10 ways in which meditation changes your life (PHOTOS)

The meditation It is an act of conscience where people adopt a resting position to achieve a physical and mental relaxation, whose main function is to focus on a goal that you want to achieve.

It has been proven that the practice of meditation does not only serve for the relaxation and control of thoughts, it also has other benefits for the lifestyle of people.

The communicator and specialist in personal transformation, Ismael Cala , commented recently in a press conference, that it has been proven that meditation can counteract negative effects caused by diseases and also extended the invitation for people to register for free at 21 Day Meditation Challenge that he has designed together with the specialist Deepak Chopra .

In the images we have prepared for you, you can find great benefits that meditation brings to your life.

Video Medicine: My Life After 30 Days of Meditation (April 2024).