10 keys to overcome suffering

People can live different experiences that generate suffering like: a betrayal, disease , disappointment, the loss of a loved one, a divorce or a bad spell, but the important thing is that they have a great strength to overcome them successfully.

When a person does not learn to overcome the suffering and it accumulates over the years, hinders renewal that allows you to fulfill your dreams and goals. So that you do not ponder and always see with positive attitude life, here we give you 10 keys to overcome suffering:

  1. Feel that you control life.
  2. Learn to be resistant to stress .
  3. Have empathy with others.
  4. Develop effective communication
  5. Strengthen your problem solving skills.
  6. Set realistic goals and expectations.
  7. Learn both success and failure.
  8. Be compassionate and contributing.
  9. Lead a responsible life based on a series of sensible values.
  10. Feel special (not egocentric) while helping others

Friedrich Nietzsche, a German philosopher, considered one of the most influential thinkers of the nineteenth century, said: "Whoever has a reason to live can bear almost any how." Find meaning in the suffering or pain is like finding the magic lamp, including the genie who will fulfill all the wishes; Although it may seem difficult, it is possible to do so.

The probabilities that we have that all personal ambitions are fulfilled is perhaps not very high, it is not about being pessimistic, on the contrary, it is about being prepared to accept that sooner or later, there will be experiences that can change the fulfillment of our most intimate desires and it is, in that just moment, when we must honestly address the moments in which it is decided or not to live trapped in old sufferings.

Robert Brooks and Sam Goldstein, authors of the book "The power of resilience" , explain that it is very useful to be aware of the traits that cultivate a positive attitude, as well as the obstacles that prevent achieving a full and satisfactory life.

In the field of psychology, the resilience it is explained as the ability to overcome moments of suffering and, in spite of the conditions that they have, to achieve an exemplary behavior that allows, with a halo of victory, to survive.

To get rid of that which generates suffering, first we must make a serious revision of our own history to mark one by one the pains, which we must let go.

There are many elements that allow a person to successfully face and overcome difficult experiences that arise, there are people who, like true alchemists, transform the obstacles into a personal victory and far from overcoming suffering, make this experience a great teaching"Know yourself, sculpt your character" . If you want to know more information write to: bojorge@teleton.org.mx