10 habits that improve your life

If you want to live well and improve your life expectancy, we give you some tips so that you can achieve it and enjoy every moment. Remember that "we are" what we eat and what we "say", so apply yourself and be happy:

1. Breakfast It is the most important food of the day. Thanks to this you will have energy, you will improve your metabolism and you will surrender more. A good option is to consume whole grain cereal with skim milk and a serving of fruit.

2. Balanced diet . Every day your food varies. Do not forget to consume yogurt and fresh cheeses low in grease ; prefers white meats like fish and chicken; reduces the intake of fried and breaded foods.

3. Laugh. It has been purchased that the positive people they live longer, their immune system It is stronger and they are less likely to get sick.

4. Exercise. In addition to keeping you in shape, your bones , arteries , circulation Y memory they will be strengthened

5. Do not smoke. This harmful habit affects the lungs, brain,sex life and the risk to suffer Cancer increases by 70%

6. Ingests in moderation alcohol . If you drink a glass of Red wine every third day (of small size), you have less risk of cardiovascular disease, but if you drink a beer every day for several consecutive years, the chances of suffering Abdominal fat and with that, haveheart attacks , diabetes , hypertension , etc.

7. Drink natural water. It's the best you can do for your body. Avoid sweetened waters and soft drinks. Did you know that if you drink 1 soft drink every day, in three weeks you increase one kilo? Beware!

8. Control your stress and / or anxiety. It has been proven that people who suffer more from these diseases are more likely to develop heart attacks , Facial paralysis , etc. We give you some tips to achieve it: Do 3 breaths thoroughly, eliminate your negative thoughts and do not try to end fear, try to channel it at a level that you can control.

9. Say yes to fiber. This one helps you fight the constipation , to not feel inflamed, metabolize fats better and you feel more satisfied. According to nutritionists, fiber consumption per day should be between 25 and 35 grams. They find it in whole grains, fruit, vegetables, etc.

10- Meditate. Those who practice this discipline make better decision making, stress less and things work. The key? They look for solutions and do not "get involved" in problems; they live their present and not in the past or future. They do not fear They are free and act in a responsible, ethical and timely manner.

If you add to this, visit your doctor once a year, you can prevent the development of any disease in time, or failing that, treat it on time.

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Video Medicine: 10 Daily Habits That Will Improve Your Life (May 2024).