10 basic tests in women

To have an excellent Health , it is necessary to perform simple medical examinations periodically. These check-ups are important, since they help prevent and detect any type of illness in a timely manner.

10 basic tests in women

1. Papanicolau In this test the doctor takes a sample of the cells of the cervix and they are sent to a laboratory to be analyzed. Detects cellular anomalies It must be done once a year, after starting the sex life .

2. HIV test. If you have a sex life active, it is recommended to perform this test once a year, especially if it is considered that a situation of risk was experienced. For example, have sex without protection.

3. Measure blood pressure. Have control of the blood pressure is essential to prevent cardiovascular disease and risk of heart attack .

4. Control of cholesterol. The cholesterol elevated is the main risk factor for cardiovascular disease , add fat to the blood and cover arteries . This examination must be done after 30 years.

5. Detection of sexually transmitted diseases. Infections like chlamydia , syphilis , gonorrhea , etc., have to be detected in time because they bring serious complications to health, such as infertility . They are detected by urine or through papanicolau .

6. Diagnosis of diabetes. One out of every two Latin American women has diabetes . It is detected with a test of blood ; It is advisable to take the test after 25 years.

7. Mammography. They analyze the state of the breast and detect any type of tumor or cyst . Experts suggest taking the study once a year, after 40 years or a little earlier if you have a history of Cancer in the family.

8. Examination of the colon and rectum. The Cancer Colorectal affects men and women equally. It is essential to perform a test periodically, to detect any anomaly, after 50 years.

9. Detection of glaucoma. It is an eye disease that gradually deteriorates the vision and, without proper treatment, can lead to blindness . It is a routine test that must be done at any age. After 40 years, it should be done every four years.

10. Densitometry. One out of every 5 women over 50 suffers from osteoporosis , which is the gradual deterioration of bone mass. Therefore, it is vital to perform this test, which determines how much bone you have, and predicts the risk that a woman has of suffering this condition in the future.

They say that prevention is better than regret; Take care of your health and live better. Remember that a diagnosis in time can save your life.

Video Medicine: 3 Ways Men Test Women (How to win him over!) (April 2024).