1. Tattoos

It is common to see several women commenting beauty mistakes that only manage to ruin their personal image, since the excess of cosmetics or looks do not favor them at all.

A study published in the huffington post, It indicates that 67% of women between 18 and 25 years of age, only use between 0 and 3 products for hair and face.

In contrast, 3% of women in that same age range use more than 12 beauty products during the day.

If you are one of the girls who exaggerates in the use of cosmetics and other products, know some beauty mistakes that make you look worse.


1. Tattoos

We do not want to generalize, but when tattoos are done in places where you want to hide a scar or imperfections of the skin like stretch marks, the only thing that is being achieved is to draw attention to that area of ​​the skin.


2. Eyebrow hair removal

It is good to create a delineate and aesthetic design in this area of ​​the face, however, when women completely remove their eyebrows and recreate them with the eyeliner, they give very bad image.

Video Medicine: 4 NEW TATTOOS IN 1 DAY!!!!! (April 2024).