Learn to achieve your goals

Researchers of the University College London (UCL) ensure that the brain function is extraordinary because it regulates our entire nervous system and is even the culprit that we do not meet our goals. Therefore, it is essential that we identify how to achieve new goals with his help.

Jeremy Dean, researcher at the UCL reveals that although we have all the willingness to meet new goals, the brain sabotages us instinctively, that is, some habits stop our desires, so you just have to follow some tips to identify them and improve your quality of life.


Learn to achieve your goals

1. Goodbye fantasies: The researcher assures that the excess of fantasies ruins our long-term plans, since by anticipating the success of an action or goal we neglect the problems that could arise along the way, which can generate a demotivation and abandonment of the plan.

2.- Do it at the moment: Postpone things or situations detonates apathy, boredom and forgetfulness. Spend a few minutes of your time to advance the goal you set and visualize the rewards of your goals.

3.- Poses short-term goals: To achieve all your goals, it is best to divide them into small projects, so it will be easier to fulfill them. For example, set short-term goals that cover the needs of your final goal, your brain will record continuous successes and you will have greater motivation.

4.- Priorities list: Every night before you go to sleep, write a list with the priorities of the next day. By optimizing your time and having clear objectives, your brain will identify the tasks and it will be easier to accomplish them than to go around remembering everything you have to do during the day.

5.- Reduce distractions: Around us there are endless distractions, which help our brain to deviate from the final goal and goals are not met. Try to focus your mind on priorities and dedicate a few minutes of your time to relax, without abuse.

Sometimes improvisation can help us solve some tasks, but it prevents it from being part of your daily routine. Planning will prevent your brain from sabotaging you, so it will be easier to achieve new goals. Do not give up and make your list of priorities! And you, how many times have you abandoned your goals?

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Video Medicine: How to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals | Stephen Duneier | TEDxTucson (May 2024).